lørdag den 30. april 2011

Cupcakes and Tea

Hold da op, hvor var det skønt igår da jeg var sammen med min veninde camilla. Vi spiste cupcakes, cucumber sandwiches på hjemmebagt brød og drak chai-the. Desværre blev det ikke så meget af det engelske bryllup som vi havde håbet på, så det blev Gossip Girl i stedet, hvilket heller ikke er værst!
Jeg fik Italian Almond-kagen, min yndlingscupcake med kirsebærdej og kirsebærtopping. Camilla fik den med lys chokolade, så lækkert!

Oh my, it was so lovely yesterday when I was together with my friend Camilla. We ate cupcakes, cucumber sandwiches on homemade bread and had a cup of chai-tea besides that. Unfortunately there wasn't as much english wedding as we had expected, so it became Gossip Girl instead, which isn't that bad either!
I got the Italian Almond-cake, my favourite cake with cherry dough and cherry topping. Camilla got the one with light chocolate, so delicious!

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